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Inclusive Access

The Inclusive Access program is digital access to your required course materials through D2L at a reduced price. Access to your required textbook starts the first day of classes. If you don't want to purchase, you must opt-out to receive a refund.

    Students receive access to the required digital course material through d2L on the first day of class and the cost of the materials is applied to student Bursar Accounts as “CampusStore InclusiveAccess Di”Students who prefer not to purchase the required content can opt out, and refunds will be issued within 7-10 business days.

Your required digital course materials are delivered through D2L. Access begins the first day of class.

  • Go to d2l.arizona.edu
  • Select the “Content” link at the top of the page
  • Select the “Pay One Price and Inclusive Access Materials” module (this could have been renamed by your instructor so look for another module)
  • Select the “Textbooks and Opt Out” link (this may have been renamed as well)

If you are unable to locate the links to digital content/textbooks, please contact your instructor.

Not seeing your D2L Course Site? Sites are automatically activated 1 week prior to the course start date. If you don't see a class in D2L, and it starts in less than a week, your instructor may have made it inactive. If you are concerned about access, please contact your instructor.

Prices are negotiated and vary depending upon the course materials selected by the instructor. Most Inclusive Access prices are lower than the cost to access the material directly through the publisher and average a savings upwards of 60% off the price of a new print textbook. Please refer to the introductory email you receive from “University of Arizona Campus Store no-reply@verbasoftware.com”.

If you prefer not to buy the required course materials via the Inclusive Access program, you have until the refund deadlines listed below to opt out. Opting out by the deadline will deactivate online content access and refund the cost to your Bursar account. However, please note that opting out means losing access to interactive modules (like MindTap, ALEX, Webassign, Tophat, Packback, etc.) required for homework submission or quizzes.

FALL 2024Session DatesAccess BeginsOpt-Out Date
FALL24 IA - COC MICRO CAMP08/12/2024 - 11/30/20248/12/248/25/24
FALL24 IA - DYN VETM 80108/19/2024 - 09/27/20248/19/248/24/24
FALL24 IA - 16W LAW08/19/2024 - 12/04/20248/19/249/1/24
FALL24 IA - DYN VETM 802A-803A-804A08/19/2024 - 12/13/20248/19/249/2/24
FALL24 IA - 5W108/26/2024 - 09/27/20248/26/248/30/24
FALL24 IA - DYN VETM 81108/26/2024 - 10/04/20248/26/248/31/24
Fall24 IA - 7A08/26/2024 - 10/13/20248/26/249/1/24
FALL24 IA - 7W108/26/2024 - 10/16/20248/26/249/1/24
FALL24 PAY ONE PRICE08/26/2024 - 12/11/20248/26/249/8/24
FALL24 IA - MAIN08/26/2024 - 12/11/20248/26/249/8/24
FALL24 IA - DYN-COC MICRO CAMP08/26/2024 - 12/13/20248/26/249/8/24
FALL24 IA - DYN VETM 802D-803D-804D08/26/2024 - 12/13/20248/26/249/8/24
FALL24 IA - DYN MATH09/18/2024 - 12/11/20249/18/249/28/24
FALL24 IA - DYN VETM 80609/30/2024 - 12/13/20249/30/2410/9/24
FALL24 IA - COC MICRO CAMP10/06/2024 - 02/01/202510/6/2410/20/24
FALL24 IA - DYN VETM 81210/07/2024 - 12/13/202410/7/2410/13/24
FALL24 IA - 7W210/17/2024 - 12/11/202410/17/2410/23/24
FALL24 IA - 7B10/21/2024 - 12/08/202410/21/2410/27/24

To opt-out:

  • Go to d2l.arizona.edu
  • Login with your NetID
  • Select > HOME
  • Select > My D2L Tools
  • Select "Pay One Price/Inclusive Access Opt Out/In"

Read 1 & 2 information then click on the red “Continue” button

Enter your student ID (8 digits), click the captcha box and request a link

Check your email for an email from no-reply@verbasoftware.com. Follow steps in email

Check your email for email confirmation from no-reply@verbasoftware.com with the subject line “YOUR PREFERENCE TO OPT-OUT HAS BEEN RECORDED” Until you receive this email confirmation, you have not completed opting out.

There is also an opt-out button in D2L under the Content tab and through the Pay One Price and Inclusive Access Materials links.

Your Bursar account will be credited within 7-10 business days.

Students who drop the course before the posted refund deadlines will be automatically "opted-out". Refunds for “CampusStore InclusiveAccess Di” item can take up to 7-10 business days to post to your Bursar account. There are no refunds for students who drop after the posted deadlines.

Yes. All students who are enrolled in a course using Inclusive Access are automatically considered part of the program. To avoid paying for the digital materials you must opt-out through your D2L course homepage (d2l.arizona.edu/d2l/home) before the refund deadline. Note, each session 7W1, MAIN, 7W2, etc. has its own opt-out deadline.

Once the refund deadline has passed, there are no refunds.

Yes if it's before the refund deadline.

  • Go to d2l.arizona.edu
  • Select the “Content” link at the top of the page
  • Select the “Pay One Price and Inclusive Access Materials” module (this could have been renamed by your instructor so look for another module)
  • Select the “Textbooks and Opt Out” link
  • Click on the opt-in button on the top right

You can opt out and in as many times as you want before the refund deadline. Once the deadline passes, you will need to purchase through the link in D2L at a higher price.

Purchase most individual books and courseware by going to https://arizona.vitalsource.com and searching by ISBN for the required materials, or purchase a print version on your own. Contact the Inclusive Access team at digitaltext@arizona.edu if you need assistance.

All enrolled students are emailed about the program to their official university email address. Please add University of Arizona Campus Store noreply@verbasoftware.com to your address book to be sure you receive pertinent notifications about your Inclusive Access digital books throughout the semester. If you don't find an email in your spam folder or it was accidentally deleted, email the Inclusive Access team at digitaltext@arizona.edu for access instructions.

You will find the cost of your Inclusive Access digital books on your Bursar account the first day of classes. It is listed as “CampusStore InclusiveAccess Di”. If you opt-out, you will receive a refund in 7-10 business days. If you do not opt-out, you will need to pay through your Bursar account.

Contacts Us

More questions? Please email us at digitaltext@arizona.edu and we will work to respond within the next 48 hours. Thank you!